Property Management
Property Management is offered to owners and or investors of houses detached, semidetached, townhouses or condominium apartments in Mississauga, Brampton and Oakville who are either residents or may be temporally or permanently out of the country.
Property Management is offered to owners and or investors of houses detached, semidetached, townhouses or condominium apartments in Mississauga, Brampton and Oakville who are either residents or may be temporally or permanently out of the country.
If you are looking to buy properties and start your real estate portfolio, you are making a decision that you have wanted to make for a long time. The reasons are simple: real estate has proven to be more lucrative than any other investments. The problem in investing in real estate is the time you are to devote to locate and select not just the right property but also the right tenant for your investment. That is definitely the key; a well rented property will produce a great cash flow and a great capital gain, but do you have the time to spend behind all of this?
If you are looking to buy properties and start your real estate portfolio, you are making a decision that you have wanted to make for a long time. The reasons are simple: real estate has proven to be more lucrative than any other investments. The problem in investing in real estate is the time you are to devote to locate and select not just the right property but also the right tenant for your investment. That is definitely the key; a well rented property will produce a great cash flow and a great capital gain, but do you have the time to spend behind all of this?
We are a company that effectively offers a complete hands free program to those owners and or investors of houses detached, semidetached, townhouses or condominium apartments in Mississauga, Brampton and Oakville who are either residents or may be temporally or permanently out of the country, we also manage for our existing clients’ properties in Toronto. We operate in this limited geographical area because we are a “Hands On” Management Company who understands that the most important thing when investing in real estate properties is to insure the tenant has pride and understands its responsibilities. At first, it seems a simple task but many factors come into play from interviewing the tenant to checking its back ground, but that is just the beginning: we handle the day to day affair of maintaining the property, the tenant and YOU, yes you the landlord, after all you purchased the property to make money and we are here, bringing several years of experience, on how to deal with the maintenance of the property and how to insure the tenant stays longer and mostly on how to enlarge painlessly your real estate portfolio or on how to sale a rented property.
We are a company that effectively offers a complete hands free program to those owners and or investors of houses detached, semidetached, townhouses or condominium apartments in Mississauga, Brampton and Oakville who are either residents or may be temporally or permanently out of the country, we also manage for our existing clients’ properties in Toronto. We operate in this limited geographical area because we are a “Hands On” Management Company who understands that the most important thing when investing in real estate properties is to insure the tenant has pride and understands its responsibilities. At first, it seems a simple task but many factors come into play from interviewing the tenant to checking its back ground, but that is just the beginning: we handle the day to day affair of maintaining the property, the tenant and YOU, yes you the landlord, after all you purchased the property to make money and we are here, bringing several years of experience, on how to deal with the maintenance of the property and how to insure the tenant stays longer and mostly on how to enlarge painlessly your real estate portfolio or on how to sale a rented property.
- Design a Program to fit the individual's need ...ask us about our Guarantee Rent Plan
- Market the property... An effective program driven by innovative advertising until the property is rented
- Interview and Check potential Tenants
- Check Work and Credit Curriculum
- Prepare the contracts
- Collect the rents
- Deposit funds in the Landlord's account
- Provide monthly cash flow report
- Provide a year end reconciliation
- Consult the Landlord on Acquisition, Sales and financial requirements
- Consult the Landlord on the "The Residential Tenancies Act"
- Establish a maintenance program for the property
- Arrange all Inspections
- Contract and pay trades people for possible repairs or maintenance
- Pay all accounts including mortgage, taxes and insurance.
- File all Government required forms
- Prepare and issue the Non Resident Undertaking and Proper T forms
- On line communication 24hrs/7days
One important role of a "Property Management" is that of liaison between the owners and the actual tenant which provides a buffer for those owners who wish to distance themselves from their tenants. There are many facets to this profession, including managing the accounts and finances of the real estate properties contracting and keeping an account of contractors and insurance agencies. Special attention is given to Residential Tenancy Act trying to understand the rights tenant and of the landlord to avoid evictions, non-payment, harassment and public nuisance, therefore, it is a necessity that a property manager be current with applicable Municipal, Regional and state and laws and practices.
One important role of a "Property Management" is that of liaison between the owners and the actual tenant which provides a buffer for those owners who wish to distance themselves from their tenants. There are many facets to this profession, including managing the accounts and finances of the real estate properties contracting and keeping an account of contractors and insurance agencies. Special attention is given to Residential Tenancy Act trying to understand the rights tenant and of the landlord to avoid evictions, non-payment, harassment and public nuisance, therefore, it is a necessity that a property manager be current with applicable Municipal, Regional and state and laws and practices.
When thinking of Property Management we have the answers.
When thinking of Property Management we have the answers.